Resolution Solution Starts Today!

Start the new year off right!
To kick off 2010 and to help you start this year off healthy, Healthy Lifestyles is offering its newest program Resolution Solution which start TODAY, January 25th. This program is designed to help you make small changes in your health for 30 days by asking you to perform a specific task each day. To participate, follow the instructions below:

1- Email with your name and courier address to sign up by the end of the day (January 25th).

2- Print off a tracker by clicking HERE

3- Beginning January 25th, complete the task assigned for the day. When your task has been accomplished, place a check mark in the box and get ready for the next day. The goal is to complete 4 out of the 7 tasks each week, and at least 1 challenge on the last week.

4- Periodically check back to this blog for tips and ideas on helping you maintain your healthy habits.

5- When the program is over (February 23rd) email to let us know if you have completed the tasks. Please email us your name, courier address, and any feedback you may have by March 5th.

6- Once we have all the names of the participants who've completed the program, we will award them with Healthy Lifestyle points and we will hold a raffle for great prizes such as cookbooks, blankets, mugs, yoga mats, activity balls and much more!

Have Fun!
**To print off a flyer click HERE
Post Title : Resolution Solution Starts Today!

Resolution Solution Starts Today!,


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