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» Tour of Utah
Tour of Utah
Thank you to everyone that has participated in Tour of Utah! It has been a fun few weeks! If you still have any questions or concerns about the program please e-mail Below I have listed A few stories from Tour Of Utah that have been shared from fellow participants. “This program has been another great reminder of how simple and fun it can be to get in shape or stay in shape.“
-Mayor Peter Corroon
“I found a community garden close to my home and wouldn’t have even have thought about it without this…”
-Healthy Lifestyles Participant
“I greatly enjoyed the Tour of Utah program….I’ve done more hiking than any other time and have enjoyed exploring new places around Salt Lake City. Thank you to all who came up with such a fun way of keeping us in shape.”
-Healthy Lifestyles Participant
"... I personally wanted to thank you for all the programs that Healthy Lifestyles offer. This is one of the most awesome program that healthy lifestyle could offer. Again, I’ve learning so much the last 6 weeks about many things from light to hardcore physical workout to explore the beauty of natures that we have in Utah. It was awesome to know things happenings in our community through out Utah weekly where I can choose to do thing with friends or families. Thanks for all fitness articles and ideas. I am lucky to be healthy and planning to keep on doing it for many years."
-Healthy Lifestyles Participant
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