What can I rub onto a cut to make it softer and perhapse stop scarring?

Q. I Accidentally cut my thigh with a box cutter. It's long, not deep, but when I sit or cross my legs, it hurts and kind of crumples. It's very dry. What can i rub on it a couple times a day to keep it moist and possibly prevent scarring. Like i said it's very long so if i use antibiotic cream, it might end up being very expensive. Any alternatives?

A. vitamin E cream will work

What vitamins can I take to reduce stretch marks appearance?
Q. or at least encourage new skin cell growth to make them less visible? I'm taking Vitamin E capsules currently, but I am willing to take anything as long as the reviews are good.

Do you know what would work?

A. Vitamin E, A, and C

What should you do to help recover from a fever and virus bug?
Q. I had a virus that brought on a fever that lasted for six days. I am now feeling beat and worn down. I am very fatigued and have a pesky cough so I am wondering what foods, drinks, vitamins I can take and things that I can do to speed up my healing and get me ready to head back to work on Monday.

A. Vitamin C, water, echinatia, multi-vitamin, gatoraide.

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Post Title : What can I rub onto a cut to make it softer and perhapse stop scarring?

What can I rub onto a cut to make it softer and perhapse stop scarring?,

What can I rub onto a cut to make it softer and perhapse stop scarring?


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