Welcome to Honor Your Body!!!
Congratulations on joining the Honor Your Body challenge. Over the next three weeks we will be focusing on the most important person if your life—You!
This challenge is all about learning why it’s important to treat our bodies well, not just physically, but also emotionally and mentally. We sometimes forget that loving ourselves—no matter what shape or size— sets the foundation to how we treat ourselves. When we love and appreciate our body, we start taking care of our body.
This challenge is also all about learning to challenge today’s standard of health and beauty. We will learn to incorporate a more well-rounded view of our health and discover how to truly honor our body from the inside-out.
Each week, there will be a variety of challenges to choose from that focus on honoring our body. Newsletters will also be sent weekly and will cover numerous topics to help us improve our sense of self and sense of health! Be sure to check out this weeks topics.
Welcome to the challenge and we hope that you can make some positive steps towards appreciating, enjoying, loving, and taking care of the skin you’re in!
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