What are some vitamins to increase my awareness and make me more alert?

Q. I have been feeling lethargic lately. In addition, I have been very forgetful and not very alert. What are some vitamins or supplements I can take to help me out?

A. Ginseng, Vitamin B complex. :)

How can I get rid rid of dark spots left from acne?
Q. They are not really craters, just dark scars, Any suggestions would be appreciated.

A. vitamin e and tea tree oil

How to get rid of the flu without taking medicine?
Q. Do you know any natural tips or remedies I can use to get rid of my cold.It's mainly a runny nose(mucus) coming out and swollen glans & sneezing like no tomorrow.Thanks for your help!

A. Vitamin c,try drinking and eating oranges

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Post Title : What are some vitamins to increase my awareness and make me more alert?

What are some vitamins to increase my awareness and make me more alert?,

What are some vitamins to increase my awareness and make me more alert?


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